Dario Braga


Back to the Future : Organizing CF@Bo n. 13

13th CF@BO

Here we are again

We are happy to inform the community of “crystal makers” that the 13th Bologna’s convention on crystal forms – CF@Bo n.13 – will take place on 7-9 September 2025 at the University of Bologna.
As in the previous twelve occasions, the meeting is organized jointly by the Molecular Crystal Engineering group of the Departement of Chemistry G. Ciamician and by PolyCrystalLine s.p.a., which celebrates in 2025 twenty years of activity.

For info see

The meeting will open on Sunday 7 in the San Giovanni in Monte historical complex in the town centre and continue on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 at the Aemilia Hotel.
We are in the process of putting together a strong scientific programme that – in keeping with the tradition of CF@Bo – will bring together men and women scientists from industry and academy, junior and senior, from as many countries as possible with no restriction.

If you think that you can contribute to one of these subjects do not hesitate to get in touch with me Dario Braga (dario.braga@unibo.it), or with the other members of the scientific board : Fabrizia Grepioni (fabrizia.grepioni@unibo.it), Lucia Maini (l.maini@Unibo.it), Simone d’Agostino (simone.dagostino2@unibo.it)
Sponsorships are welcome; contact dr. Stefano Giaffreda (slg@polycrystalline.it) or Federico Rossi (federico.rossi@polycrystalline.it)

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