Dario Braga

Dario Braga

Informazioni sulla vita, carriera, interessi scientifici e politici

News, opinioni, articoli ed iniziative

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Dario Braga - web site

This site collects past, present and future activities 
Questo sito raccoglie attività passate, presenti e future

Research activity

I am a chemist with experience in both academic and applied research. My competence is in the solid-state, especially molecular crystals. I have studied design, synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of organic, organometallic and metallorganic molecular crystals. Visit Molecular Crystal Engineering @UniBo https://site.unibo.it/molecular-crystal-engineering/en

Consultant and expert opinion

The experience developed in the field of solid state has proved useful to assess problems, also in terms of intellectual property protection, of patents based on crystal forms of pharmaceuticals

Comunicazione e partecipazione

il sito raccoglie attività di opinione espresse nel corso degli anni mediante articoli di giornale e blog e le attività associative per la diffusione della cultura.
Il focus principale è sull'università italiana anche nel contesto dei sistemi universitari internazionali.

Networking and organization

This site will be used also to organize scientific and cultural events in collaboration with others. It will also provide an additional entry point to monitor the growth of scientific and social networks.

How to contact Dario Braga

by email - write to dario.braga@unibo.it